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How it Works |
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Can I export assessment data? New Feature |
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An “Export” feature is now available to create formatted copies of selected data files so they are readily accessible to use in your statistical analysis or spreadsheet programs.

To export report data, select “Export Data” from the Quick Links in My Account, then:
- How it Works - Watch Video
- Select the Assessment from the drop down. Note: Export is currently available only for ABAS-3, CASL-2, DBC2, DP-3, DP-4, Piers-Harris 3, RISE, SPM-P, SPM, SCQ, SRS-2.
- Select the Form.
- Select the Date Range. The default for both the “From” and "To" dates is blank.
- Select Export Options.
The “Input Data Only” option creates an export file that contains all records, including raw scores within the entered date range.
The “Input Data and Calculated Scores” option creates an export file that contains all records, including raw scores and calculated scores within the entered date range.
Note: for some assessments, this is the only option.
Check the “Include Client Name” check box if you want the client name included in the exported data.
- Select the Delimiter you would like to use to separate each field.
- Click “Submit” to begin exporting the data or click “X” at the top right to close the window without exporting the data.
- Click "Download" in the confirmation window to download the export file.
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Why can I see FREE products on my WPS Online Evaluation System bookshelf? |
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The WPS Online Evaluation System (OES) is now offering FREE online scoring and reporting features for the Arizona-4, CASL-2, OPUS, and PPA Scale! Easily accessible to all OES users, these products will now appear on your bookshelf. The Arizona-4, CASL-2, OPUS, and PPA Scale are individually administered direct assessments, so paper protocols still have to be purchased for administration purposes. Online administration (via email) is not available.
Click here for your Quick Start Guide on how to access FREE online scoring and reporting!
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What does the WPS Online Evaluation System (WPS online testing platform) cost compared to conducting assessments with pen and paper? |
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The cost of administering tests through the WPS Online Evaluation System is equivalent to that of traditional paper forms.
- SPM paper record forms: $2.48 per use ($62 for a pack of 25)
- SPM Online administrations: $2.48 per use ($14 for 5 administrations; $27 for 10 administrations; $62 for 25 administrations)
Note: There is only one combined price to administer online and score the form online.
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What products are available for use on the WPS Online Evaluation System? |
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Currently, the assessments listed below are available for use on the WPS Online Evaluation System.
Full product descriptions can be found on the WPS website:
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What computer requirements are needed in order to use the WPS Online Evaluation System? |
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Internet access is required along with one of the following compatible web browsers:
- Mozilla Firefox version 54 and later (recommended)
- Google Chrome version 58 and later
- Microsoft Internet Explorer version 10 and later
- Apple Safari version 10.0 and later
In order to view reports, Adobe Reader must be installed on your computer. The free Adobe Reader PDF viewer is available at
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How do I access the WPS Online Evaluation System? |
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Go to platform.wpspublish.com to register for a new account and to use
online evaluations. For online product information, or to purchase online activation
codes, visit www.wpspublish.com.
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Can I purchase online evaluation products directly from the WPS Online Evaluation System? |
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No, not at this time. All products are available for purchase at www.wpspublish.com.
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How do I activate my licenses? |
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Go to the My Account section on the WPS Online Evaluation System (platform.wpspublish.com), where you will find
the link to activate licenses.
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I did not receive my activation code or my activation code does not work. What should I do? |
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Please call WPS Customer Service at 424.201.8800 or 800.648.8857. Your purchase will be confirmed and you will be referred to our technical support team. |
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I purchased an online product by mistake. Can I return it? |
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Yes. Please call WPS Customer Service at 424.201.8800 or 800.648.8857 to receive the credit to your account and deactivate your license(s).
WPS has a 90-day return policy.
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Where can I find more information about the WPS Online Evaluation System? |
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For an in-depth overview of the WPS Online Evaluation System, please click here to view the WPS Online Evaluation
System User Guide. Login to access any assessment-specific user guides. Click here to view a video demonstration, or click on the first FAQ above, "How It Works".
For information about specific assessments or intervention resources, please visit www.wpspublish.com.
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What is a license? |
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A license is one or more uses, purchased from WPS, that allows you to administer an assessment on the WPS Online Evaluation System. Flexible purchase options allow you to buy
licenses in quantities of 5, 10, or 25 administrations.
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Is the WPS Online Evaluation System HIPAA-compliant? |
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Yes. When you register your account on the WPS Online Evaluation System, you are required to read and agree to the terms of the WPS Business Associate Agreement, which specifies
how WPS maintains the security of protected health information in accordance with HIPAA guidelines.
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Can I still purchase pen-and-paper kits and forms? |
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Yes. The WPS Online Evaluation System offers an alternative administration option, giving you the choice of either online or paper forms. WPS will continue to publish and
sell products in paper form.
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Is there a difference between the WPS Online Evaluation System and the online testing platform? |
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No. Platform is a shorthand term for referencing the WPS Online Evaluation System.